Projective DreamWork
Projective DreamWork was created by the late Jeremy Taylor. I was part of Jeremy’s training program, but did not complete it before he passed. He was a great teacher and an inspiring man.
As a Projective DreamWork facilitator I will try on a client’s dream and give feedback using the phrase, “In my imagined version of your dream …”
I will project onto the dream the meanings that I see in the dream if it were my own. It’s a very respectful and fun way to work with dreams, and is effective one-on-one or in groups.
If you have never “worked” one of your dreams, it can be an amazing experience to watch even the simplest dream or dream snippet reveal its deeper meanings. Many times a client will share a dream with me and be surprised to be unpacking deeper and deeper layers of meaning.
Jeremy believed that every dream comes in the service of health and healing, and I believe that, too. He also believed that each dream addresses every area of your life, and that any dream could be worked indefinitely for deeper and deeper layers of meaning.
Working recurring dreams can be particularly helpful as they usually indicate a recurring theme or trauma that the psyche is trying to work through. Childhood dreams can be fascinating to work with. I had a recurring dream when I was between the ages of 5 and 7 which continues to reveal layers of meaning to me as I get older.
And, don’t forget nightmares! Jeremy said a nightmare has particular importance because negative stimulus is the psyche’s way of bringing our attention to something that needs our attention. Now! It’s like the lion roaring outside the cave. We don’t survive if we don’t pay attention.
I love working with client’s dreams. It’s always fun, creative and revealing. Dreams don’t lie; and they get to the heart of things!