
I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California since 2010. I use several modalities. The Work (or Inquirby Based Stress Reduction), a practice created by Byron Katie, and IFS (Internal Family Systems). Both are the focus of most of my work with clients. I use Both to facilitate clients finding their own answers.

***Because The Work in of itself is not considered therapy (although very therapeutic), I can use The Work across state lines and internationally. The Agreement that I have with clients across state lines and internationally is that I have to keep our process solely focused on The Work. Within California, I can do therapy and use other modalities within our process together. In other states and internationally, we agree to only doing The Work. ***

The Work helped me to change my life. Read on and maybe you will decide to give The Work a try. The Work can be a path in itself, or a wonderful tool… READ MORE